Oakham Home Gardens & Allotment Society
About OHGAS:
Oakham Home Gardens and Allotment Society looks after four allotment sites in Oakham; Burley Road, Elm Close, Pillings Road and Willow Crescent. Subscriptions and rents are the same for each site and all sites have mains water.
We are a non-profit making Society, run by volunteers and funded by members’ subscriptions, site rentals, income from the trading hut and grants.
Currently we have around 220 members renting over 230 plots, and about 20 gardening members. Gardening members do not rent sites, but belong to the Society, use the Trading Hut and attend social functions. Together with partners and family, that represents up to 400 users of allotments in Oakham.
Our simple aim is to provide and maintain allotment gardens for the benefit of members.
The formal details of how we run the Society are set out in our Constitution and Rules. However, our aims in summary are:
We cater for all gardening tastes, methodologies and foibles. Our preference is to minimise the use of herbicides and pesticides, (and several members are organic gardeners), but we are a broad church and accept different ideas as long as there is no intrusion on other plotholders’ enjoyment, and reasonable standards of maintenance and tidiness are observed.
We have a best Allotment Competition every year, with judging in June/July (we will tell you when nearer the date). Awards are made at a Presentation Evening in September after our annual AGM.
The Trading Hut is on the Pillings Road site. Please see the trading hut area of the website for more details.
Latest comments
04.07 | 09:52
not possible to police plots at all times,but be warned,someone has been and picked most of my summer rapsberries.
18.06 | 17:02
Love these beautiful animals
24.09 | 09:31
I'm sorry about this. Unfortunately it is impossible to do anything after the event. If this happens again, please get in touch with me immediately and I will deal with it for you. Penny
22.09 | 20:36
Can you please stop burning stuff my whole house has stunk of smoke for 2 days now its ok for who ever starts the fires then goes home they don't have to put up with the smell